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"You are not born for yourself but for the world."

by Nathan McGaw on 17/11/2013

by Nathan McGaw on 12/01/2014



by Alejandro Robles on 28/01/2015

On Monday the fifteenth I decided to make a discovery about the rainbows, since rainbows are a part of nature. This is what I found out:


  1. A rainbow is mostly made out of millions of small rain droplets.

  2. A rain drop serves as a type of reflector of light.

  3. White light enters one of the millions of rain droplets creating one specific colour of the spectrum.

  4. Without millions of rain droplets a rainbow would not appear.

  5. That is why we mostly see a rainbow after a storm.

Every single rain droplet has a function while forming a rainbow. The sunlight enters the rain droplet at a specific angle and the rain droplet separates the white light into different colours. Each rain droplet reflects the colours at a given point and time, but you can only see one colour. As the rain droplets fall, the colours of the spectrum being reflected and refracted are constantly changing. Rainbows form a complete circle; however we can only see half of it. The horizon only allows us to see half of the rainbow circle, so we just see an arc.


The perfect time and place to look for a rainbow is when the sunlight is behind you and there are rainy clouds in the direction of your shadow. If it is later than 4:30 and earlier than 8:30 and the conditions are right there is a pretty good chance you’ll see a rainbow in the sky.

"We are not born for ourselves but for the world."

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