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"You are not born for yourself but for the world."

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Just a few of my Favourite Poems...

by Angele Gordon on 25/11/2014

My Brother


He is my big brother

He’s starting to be like a mother

He is sometimes happy

And never wears a nappy


Sometimes he is miserable

And not very moveable

My brother is so tall

Look up and give a call


I love him

He doesn’t like the SIMS

He is always on the phone

Oh brother! You lost the tone


Even though we fight

You’ll always be at my side

We will never break apart

You will stay in my heart

I can’t see you


Every time I see you

Looking round the floor

I fight you all the time banging on the door

My head is spinning round now

Because it’s always you

We used to like each other

But now you’re like the flu

"We are not born for ourselves but for the world."

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