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"You are not born for yourself but for the world."

by Tanmay Tank on 03/12/2013

by Tanmay Tank on 08/1/2014

Car Crazy with Tanmay


The World’s first 3-D printed car


by Tanmay Tank on 28/01/2015

With the launch of Ferrari LaFerrari, McLaren P1 and Lamborghini Hurcan, we just thought: is there anything better that can come out? The answer is yes! The World’s first 3d printed car.


Watch out for this, they call it The Strati; that basically means layers.


The Strati is an electric two-seater cruiser which has the ability to go at a charming speed of 40mph and has a whopping range of 120 miles on a single charge.  Now that’s impressive for a car which hasn’t been tested or gone through all the analysis.


It took 44 hours of printing and a whole day of assembling to bring this car together. The look is not exactly great but come on its printed.  Now the price for something this unique is between $18,000 and $34,000. I know it’s not cheap but come on you’re going to drive something no one has ever driven or seen before it’s worth it! But the prices should go down when more people start to buy it. I wonder what the maker would be thinking; buying is too expensive so let’s just print one. 

"We are not born for ourselves but for the world."

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